Gertrud Steinl

Rescued person: Shlomi, Froehlich, Sarah (Rescue mode: Arranging shelter)
Gertrud Steinl, a Sudeten German, worked as an overseer at the Carpathian Oil Company in the Polish town of Stryj. Her attitude to the employees was warm and humane. When one of her supposedly Polish workers confided in her and told her that she was Jewish, Steinl became very concerned and made every effort to find her a hiding place. She sent the worker – Sarah Shlomi (née Fröhlich) – to her parents in Graslitz in the Sudetenland, but she did not tell them that Sarah was Jewish. Sarah lived with them from 1943 until the end of the war, working at first as a housemaid and later at an ammunition factory.
On September 4, 1979, Yad Vashem recognized Gertrud Steinl as Righteous Among the Nations.


Oskar Schindler war nicht der Einzige

»Emotionale Heimat« Gertrud Steinl, eine Gerechte unter den Völkern, war eingeladen sowie undestagsmitglieder, Mitglieder des Landtags, Vertreter der Kirchen und der muslimischen Gemeinden